September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Help I’m trying to find this book I read when I was maybe 13 or 15…(I’m 23 now) book about a girl who I think moved to this house and I’m pretty sure the house has a ballroom?? And I remember something about curtains and I can’t remember if it was actually haunted or not but something off about the house possibly? And maybe about a boy as well not 100% if he was real or not but I think he was. And I specifically remember the cover had a picture of a real girl looking over her shoulder, she had long brown wavy hair and the background colour was like a tan/light brown colour and possible the house in the background? And I swear the writing was purple coloured and I feel like the title said “house or haunted or something with a H”
    I really don’t remember much from the book but also possibly a staircase? Or she finds things I’m not sure but everything I find online or other threads they date back to really older looking books and none of it quite matches. Please someone tell me, I live in Australia idk if that helps and no clue where I actually got the book.

    I’m pretty sure it was a young adult book

    by No-Instruction-565

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