September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been in a slump for the past couple of weeks and, after taking a bit of a break, I managed to come up with a solid reading list I was happy with. Then…

    Last night, my dad watched the Leave the World Behind movie on Netflix. He's been talking about it on and off all day. He even tried to talk my brother, who despises thrillers, into watching it. That book has been on my radar for a few years. I'm not sure if I want to buy it or borrow it from the library, but I do want to read it eventually (keyword being "eventually"). Honestly, I hadn't thought anything of it until today, when my dad was hyping up the movie.

    I have a rule: read the book first (if possible). This is an "if possible" scenario, where I'm able to avoid the film adaption of a book I have not read. The books on my TBR cart have been waiting for months and I'm excited to tackle this new reading list. But with each retelling my dad gives of the movie, Leave the World Behind has been creeping into my thoughts all day.

    I'm on a book buying ban…I looked it up on my library's catalog and they have a copy available…Obviously, they are closed tomorrow for Sunday, so I COULD pick it up Monday…and add to the pile of library books I already accumulated.

    Does this happen to anyone else? Someone mentions a book and suddenly you feel so compelled to read it? Or when a movie or TV adaption is announced, you immediately want to read the book it is based on?

    by Bookish_Butterfly

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