September 2024
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    1. perpetualmotionmachi on

      I don’t mean this in a rude way, but children’s books. You’ll have to start slow and simple and build up. Maybe not Dr. Seuss level, but maybe something more like Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, etc.)

    2. LocalPeasant420 on

      Don’t feel bad playa
      Childrens books to learn and maybe try out some audiobooks?
      maybe listen to the audiobook and read along as best you can?

      I know it sounds lame but audiobooks are like a movie in your pocket

    3. So many of the guys I grew up with would be in the same way as you . But Louis Lamour westerns and Ed Mcbain’s 87th precinct series taught them to read when school didn’t

    4. Present-Tadpole5226 on

      You might like to try hi-lo books. They’re designed to be high interesting but low difficulty. The San Francisco library made this list, but there are others. [](

      I listened to a podcast last year about how the way reading instruction is being taught right now leaves a lot of kids behind. It might be worth reading aloud to someone who reads well and ask them if they think you struggle with sounding out words. If that’s the case, a reading tutor who teaches phonics might really help.

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