July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve done a lot of self care work and used to feel really energized by it. Therapy, journaling, exercise, learning new hobbies, passionately pursuing my interests, meditation, podcasts, reading, understanding my personality and career goals, health hacks, etc. But during the whole pandemic and other very stressful, tumultuous life events the last few years – I don’t feel the same draw from any of it anymore and feel very disconnected. Maybe it’s burn out. I’m 27 now, in this weird spot of mourning the loss of the last few years and feeling discouraged about the upcoming future.

    But I do feel this small ember, like a pull, that wants to reconnect with myself. But that self that used to be there feels like a ghost and the things that used to call to me don’t anymore. Anyways… I don’t know if the usual self care books are what I’m looking for or even have the energy to consume. Just looking for something to get a bit of the spark back.

    Looking forward to and appreciate any suggestions 🙂

    by margotcedar


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