September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, this is a slightly different request from usual but I think it still fits easily within the purpose of the sub. I'm writing my undergraduate thesis on court jesters in contemporary fiction (1940-) in the vein of Shakespearean Fools like Feste, and I'm looking for books you might have read that have a really interesting jester or Fool (doesn't just appear in one scene or something). Preferably fantasy genre but historical fiction could work. The weirder the better!

    The list already includes:

    The entire Elderlings series by Robin Hobb (only really discussing the first book but I'm reading the Tawny Man trilogy now just to see – would also love to know if you guys thought the Liveship Traders trilogy is worth considering for this, like if it has that much more Foolery? Haven't gotten to that one)

    Mimus by Lilli Thal

    Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett

    The Song of the Gargoyle by Zilpha Snyder

    Thirteenth Night by Alan Gordon

    The Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool by Margaret Gray (this one has the least interesting stuff and is very short so I'm not looking for much more in this vein)

    Thanks in advance!

    by InfiniteGays


    1. Caleb_Trask19 on

      I think there’s a character in Lapvona who is a perhaps a fool in that vein.

      It’s been practically 3-4 decades, but I feel Jeanette Winterson had one in maybe Sexing the Cherry or the Passion, but I could be completely wrong.

    2. A story “‘Repent Harlequin,’ Said the Ticktockman.” by Harlan Ellison. Might suit your thesis.

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