September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love a long well written novel, currently reading The Terror by Dan Simmons and loving it. Recently read Lonesome Dove , and have enjoyed anything by cormac mcccarthy. most crime stuff I’ve picked up always seems cheesy and kind of mass produced by popular authors. I want a real deep dark novel that maybe incorporates the political aspect of a city , police/detective procedural components and is descriptive and slow moving. Loved homicide life on the streets, clockers and power of the dog. Anything else come to mind to scratch this elusive itch??

    by medicmdp1

    1 Comment

    1. innerpeacequest on

      Not sure if these are quite what you are looking for, but some slow burn crime that I have loved: Top of the list is We Begin at the End by Chris Whitaker. Northwoods by Amy Pease was also amazing. Also, Long Bright River by Liz Moore. Both Chris Whitaker and Liz Moore both have new novels out that are getting great reviews, but I have not read them yet. Also, William Kent Krueger may be an author to look into. He has a very extensive backlist. I have read Ordinary Grace, which was excellent, but I have not made it to any of his others.

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