September 2024
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    I enjoy books where a character from one book appears in a different book by the same author, but each book is completely standalone and not part of a series. Often a minor character in one book is a major character in another book. Some examples of authors I like that do this are: Louise Erdrich, David Mitchell, Emily St. John Mandel.

    I particularly like literary fiction, magical realism/low fantasy, and historical fiction. Nothing too depressing or violent.

    by lab_R_inth


    1. Nero Wolfe series by Rex Stout. Many recurring characters but maybe quirky inter-war New York stay-at-home crime geniuses are not be your thing. I didn’t think they were mine once.

    2. Quirky_Dimension1363 on

      The Incryptid series by Seanan McGuire is like this although the series is comprised of different duologies. Each new one is about a different member in the Price family. Based on the genres you listed I have a feeling you would like it. The first book is Discount Armageddon.

    3. Wendell Berry’s fiction, if you enoy agrarian literature. All of his books and short stories are set in a fictional farming community in north central Kentucky.

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