September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys, I am 22m and at a point in where my heart says I don't want to marry anyone, have kids, go against the social norms etc… I think it is very reasonable too. But, then I do not have any role models or anyone to tell me it's going to be okay, bcoz of that i am very anxious, I recently broke up with my gf as she was hellbent on having kids before 30 and be married by 25. She says I am confused, but I am not confused, I'm just scared of going this new path. Moreover, everyone in my family thinks I should be 'settled' by 30, I don't think so, I want to take my time in life and do what is right at the right time. But this entire you will be lonely after 30s, or should be settle and have kids by 30, all the fun in life ends by 30 and one should focus on more serious things in life' stuff makes me very anxious, to the point I cannot sleep properly, I think about this all the time nowadays. Need book recommendations covering these themes.

    by Ambitious-Owl8451

    1 Comment

    1. Hey man I’m 25 and have been against having kids since I can remember. I’m not much older than you but I can tell you everything will be okay. You are not confused you are making a conscious decision about something that will literally change your life and it’s okay to not ever want that responsibility. You will find a women with similar priorities, I promise they are out there, but don’t focus on trying to find anyone right now, don’t try too hard or else you’re gonna put unnecessary pressure and stress on yourself. Enjoy your life how you want to do it and focus on what you want achieve and make of yourself, everything else is secondary. Your life doesn’t end when you you’re 30, you’re still young and it’s up to you to decide how you want to live your life. As far as books go I don’t have any specific recommendations but I’d say read some fantasy novels with cool protagonist, those are always fun.
      Good luck!

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