September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello 👋

    I can find for a very long time a good book. Everything that I'm trying to read/listen to is: boring/naive/for teenagers/slow etc.

    I'm looking for something dark but not depressing, there is some mystery, it's mostly fast-paced – it can be slow sometimes but not babbling for 90% with no point or 90% of world description , and has some of those things in it: apocalypse/after it, the universe, witches/demons/ghost and any of different creatures, magic, rituals, visions, manipulation of time, some unexpected twists, something that would make you scratch your head and think what is this about, it would be great if it has sensible romance (from a woman perspective because I'm one
    :p) in it but I know that one can't have it all 😅

    But not much of knights, goblins, hobbits and politics

    I beg you, help me ahahaha

    by Haunting-Ride8545

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