September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone, I've never read books after school and college. And those books I read were for the class. So I cannot say I've ever read anything on my own. I want to start to read. I am tired of my phone(s) always in my hand, and TV is just crap. We need to disconnect more. With a 4 year old, I want to create a different home where she is brought up with parents reading and less TV and electronics, aka screen time. My wife is a big reader but we differ in our topics of interest.

    I'm looking for books that are about history, psychology, the way people think, non fiction only. Stuff that makes you smarter, and not for just entertainment reasons.

    I need to start somewhere, and I want actual books with pages not another screen.


    by SNBI1791

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