September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Preferably female MC, and no M/F romance. Preferable if the MC is lesbian/sapphic if sexuality is divulged at all. I feel the need to clarify that I have nothing against straight people or men lmao, its just that my depression very much coincides with being a lesbian and I need smth indulgent and not reminding me of heteronormativity sorry 😭

    by anoncanid


    1. Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail is very good for this kind of indulgence. I will say it is the second in its series, but it is well worth it. Though it is primarily fluff, there is also a bit of smut. Would definitely recommend.

      TW: Cancer, Self-harm, mommy issues

    2. ultimate_ampersand on

      * All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Matthews
      * Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas
      * If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come by Jen St. Jude
      * A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
      * Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
      * The Unfortunates by J.K. Chukwu

    3. Sanguine_Tengu on

      Doesn’t fit all your criterion very well (especially since the MC is a man and its a horror book) but the MC of the Fisherman is depressed and a big part of the story is about how he deals with it. Romance isn’t part of it really so much as the loss of his wife from illness.

    4. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. If you have ever dealt with depression, this book is beyond incredible. I was crying in chapter one because I knew the author had been in that place before.

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