September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello there book readers!

    (Sorry for my poorly written English, I prefer reading in English, but my writing is not the finest).

    I'm in need of a good read, I have trouble finding what I like, the last that I really jumped in and loved, was the first book of the original witchers series. I think its was neat how it acted like a game, but only with side quests. I did fall for the boredom of it in the later chapters, and i dred to pick it up again, because while I did enjoy the side quests slife of life adventures, it also got tiring at some point.

    Im new into the whole fantasy genre of reading, I LOVE dnd, I play twice a week, have one game that's loosely played once a month and also in a pathfinder, so over all, currently playing 4 RPGs with friends.
    I don't need romance in my fantasies, I prefer not actually, when thinking about it, only if its gay.

    Okay that brings me to the next thing, I like gay stories, women x women to be more on the dot. But I don't like baby gay stories aka "This is my coming out story". I'ts okay if its someone experiencing gayness for the first time, I just don't care for it being a baby gay story. Im not saying this to offend anyone, I was a baby gay once, I'm not anymore, so now I'm looking for some more leveled up gay stories.

    Cut it short –
    Genre – Fantasy, romance, drama, LBGTQ+ (Not needed to be in the same story fx. fantasy/drama or LGBTQ+/fantasy.

    I don't know what I'm really looking for, lets just say that I read Assassins creed books and witcher, both neato. I read Carol and some other woman romance books, also neato.

    Please help a lost soul?

    by SnoozyRelaxer

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