September 2024
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    I (23m) have been in the trenches (though not exactly the western literary world) long enough to see people complaining about coming out plotlines and such, and personally when I first read a story that treated being gay as just . . . normal, I also really liked it (for the ones without other 🤨 things like "every character is suddenly gay"), but I just had a realization that it seems the only coming out plotline I have in my head, is someone struggling with their identity or something, not sure about acceptance and all that, and then probably telling someone important (else there wouldn't be a plot) successfully (else there wouldn't be a satisfying ending with such a focus) . . . and that really doesn't speak to me much, as that is a very rose-tinted view of our world.

    I recently read a story that involves a homophobe who is gay himself and explores more of that feeling and I think that was pretty fascinating. More of an internet-age character but still intriguing. And probably something only someone inside could make.

    Seeing that, I think I don't hate stories exploring themes of struggles with identity and all that, but I like something a bit more realistic. And uncommon.

    So I'm hoping to find a story I could read that features coming out somehow, and that coming out being quite real in the sense that, unlike the lucky people whoose parents were surprisingly accepting (or just didn't care) (was there even a closet that they came out of?), I want to see a story about the other people, who didn't want to come out, who felt like speaking their truth and being who they are without fear of their family abandoning them but couldn't, because they know they will be disowned or worse, but then they couldn't hold it in anymore, and came out to a disastrous consequence.

    That doesn't sound like a satisfying plotline, but it rings very true and doesn't seem like something someone else would write about. (After all, they want to have an inspiring message and all right? Feel good stuff?)

    I normally read East Asian fiction (translated) but I'm thinking of expanding my range.

    The Heartstopper series got me curious, but looking at some reviews on Goodreads, written by some older gay man about the narrative, and someone who said the story makes it too obvious it was written by a woman, turned me off, as women writing gay (men) stories is a peeve of mine. Sometimes I deal with it (because else there would be nothing left to read), and sometimes I don't.

    Any recommendations appreciated. It doesn't have to be the theme or conflict of the book, just part of it. I just need the book to be engaging enough to get into it.

    // In my imagination there could very much be some story that involves a drama/romance between two men or something, both of them not out, one being pressed or was outed or something, then conflict with family, and the other guy also, then resolving the conflict with the other guy somehow, and that's kind of the end of the story, family be damned. But maybe that's wack lol.

    by MaiMee-_-

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