September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for books that discuss positive and mature sexual and intimate relationships. More philosophy and discussion based, rather than step-by-step self-help books. Sort of like a re-parenting in a way.

    To give some context, I feel like I have a lot of resources on how to heal things, but I'm looking for more discussion-based books on sex or having a negative relationship with sex specifically and moving into a more positive one. Empowerment-focused on areas such as: consent, fear, boundaries, intimacy, respect etc. It doesn't specifically need to be feminist related.

    If you have any authors, books, keywords or genres I should look into please share! I'm pretty good at finding things but for the first time I feel like I don't quite have the knowledge/vocabulary to find what I'm really looking for.

    by Admirable-Whereas892

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