September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am torn between Leviathan Wakes, Station Eleven and Never Let Me Go. I’d like something self contained that should entertain me during most of the flight. Other recommendations are welcome!

    by adobe-is-a-free-elf


    1. Station eleven is to this day one of the best books I’ve read. I read it to have something to talk about with a guy I liked and my love of that book has outlasted him by 2 years.

    2. Sad_King_Billy-19 on

      havent read the others but I couldn’t get into the expanse series. i guess I was in the minority.

      My other recommendations for self contained are A Fire Upon the Deep, Gateway, and Slaughterhouse 5.

    3. Classic_Secretary460 on

      I love, and I do mean love Never Let Me Go. However, it also made me cry bitterly. So just a heads up there if you don’t want to break down in tears midflight.

      Edited for spelling

    4. BathtubOfBees on

      Never let me go is my favourite book, if you like character focused stories and focus on the human condition then its for you. If you’re looking specifically for the Sci fi aspect though, then maybe not, the Sci fi in never let me go is not by any means the focus and is more of a vehicle for its themes.

    5. BoringTrouble11 on

      I find station eleven hard to read because of the pandemic- I love never let me go

    6. LoquaciousBookworm on

      Literally just devoured *The Mars House* by Natasha Pulley over the course of an 11-hour flight. It was awesome & is definitely one of my favorite books of the past couple of years!

      Of the others you suggested, I liked both Station Eleven and Never Let Me Go, although arguably Station Eleven is more plot-driven vs character-driven.

      If you want spaceships, I liked *You Sexy Thing* by Cat Rambo better than Leviathan Wakes. Or, The *Salvagers Series* by Alex White (starts with A Big Ship At the End of the Universe). Or even Iain Banks’ *Culture* novels, like *Matter*.

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