September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For some background: I think I mostly prefer sci-fi and horror in books and other non-interactive media. I'm reading through The Expanse series (recently finished book 3), enjoying them but I wouldn't mind a change for a bit. I was reading It recently, but my library loan ended and the hold list is long. Before those, I read House of Leaves mostly to experience the weirdness the book has to offer and enjoyed it enough; I didn't Join The Cult, though. 🙂

    I am a D&D nerd, so totally-not-medieval-Europe fantasy is a familiar setting that I enjoy, but I don't necessarily click with books in that direction. I tried to like The Difference Engine, but couldn't get into it even though I wanted to. I was reading The Tethered Mage, but it just wasn't grabbing me; too much analysis on the political intruige, I think. (My daughter loved them and read the whole series.) My wife has been going through the Discworld series, and even though I'm very into Douglas Adams' style of humor, Terry Pratchett aparently doesn't do it for me.

    But really, all those books feel like different flavors of EuroAmerican fantasy. I like the trappings of horror or scifi or alternate history, but I think I'd like to leave my usual geography for a bit. Any suggestions?

    by chaosTechnician

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