September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What books do you suggest that are easy reads but still good writing? I am searching for anything that does not take very much brainpower to get through. I also am uninterested in slow reading-trudging through slow periods in the books. I want to stay away from cheesy or cliche books for the most part. I know these things look different for everyone, so I listed examples below.

    It seems like a lot of books I am wading through are “tiktok” books that end up not being enjoyable to me because of the writing. On the other end they end up being too pretentious for the books I am looking for. (I definitely have enjoyed a good many suggestions from both categories but its not what i am looking for.)

    I am interested in getting into fantasy! I enjoy romance, thriller, and even ya.

    I don’t want anything that takes real brainpower for me to read or had long periods of trudging through the book. Examples of these are Jan Austen books, the secret history, the road, brave new world, toni morrison, and Shakespeare.

    Examples of what I have liked in the past: emily henry books, hunger games, i who have never known men, gillian flynn, stephen king, and city of thieves.

    by ImaginaryAd7337

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