September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I don't know what words to search for to find what I'm looking for since Fantasy Realism seems to be more about a realistic setting and real world problems than the in-depth look at how magic functions and impacts daily life that I'm looking for.

    Dungeon Meshi's ecology is my top example right now, and Circe came close with the depiction of effort put into the witchcraft. I also think Children of time has the tone I'm looking for with how spider society is built and described, but I'm hoping for more Fantasy than SciFi at the moment.

    Does anyone have any books (or manga ect) that they would recommend which really dig into how the fantasy elements work and/or are part of daily life? Or even just a genre/trope name that I could use to keep looking on my own?

    Much appreciated.

    by grimcharron

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