September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm about to move out of my parents house and have realized that I literally don't know how to do anything that's actually useful. I don't know how to do anything practical, such as changing a tire, painting walls, hanging wall fixtures, changing lightbulbs, fixing door hinges, proper ways to clean, etc. I need a book, or a few, that goes over a huge array of small skills because I'm quite overwhelmed right now.

    by Googspierre


    1. Shatterstar23 on

      Adulting Made Easy: Things Someone Should Have Told You About Getting Your Grown-Up Act Together by Amanda Morin

      I’ve not read it, but it seems like what you’re looking for .

    2. SpecialKnits4855 on

      Check out the ” … For Dummies” series. They explain how to do just about anything, with illustrations.

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