September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am reading Butter by Asako Yuzuki right now and it is absolutely perfect. I don't want it to end. I need to find a book that is exactly like it before I am able to bring myself to finish it.

    What I like about Butter is that it discusses its female protagonist's experience in modern society, navigating it as a woman, all the enforced but unsaid expectations around how they should act, how they should think, how they should feel. And the different ways women react to these pressures.

    It has a lot of points about being in a body as a woman. The expectation that you be skinny, what happens when you aren't, the unqiue relationship women therefore have to food and eating as a result of their gender. I REALLY want to read more about this specifically.

    by alonemi

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