September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is a repost from my post on r/ask_lgbt as I was referred to this subreddit to answer my question.

    Hi, so my grandpa is a very rational and scientifically minded man. However he is anti-LGBT based on the mindset that LGBT ideology is not scientific. All of the articles I can find on the topic of gender identity, psychology of transgender people, gender disphoria, etc begin with the assumption that you accept transgender people as real. I am looking for scholarly articles (not news cites or opinion pieces but actual peer reviewed studies) to introduce him to the basic science and psychology behind transgender people. Any articles, books, documentaries, etc that you can recommend would be so appreciated!! I know he is not a bigot, and I really hope to be able to show him the truth. Thanks guys ❤️

    by Dependent_Army8008


    1. seattlenightsky on

      Free to Be: Understanding Kids and Gender Identity by Jack Turban. Dr. Turban is a psychiatrist in the UCSF gender health program. I watched an interview he did about the book, and he backed up everything he said with scientific studies. He’s very careful to be evidence based.

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