September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have liked horror or science fiction in the past. Anything that gets right into the meat of the story right away will help me sit down and actually read the book. I’m going camping this weekend and need someone to sit down and enjoy. Thank you all in advance!

    by Away-Hope-918


    1. toooldforacnh on

      Have you tried audiobooks? I also have ADHD and I can’t sit down and read a book, so I just listen to them.

      I recommend The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. It’s about survival in 2024 (written in 1993), and it starts out in the mess if you will. Pretty great series.

    2. trippy-puppy on

      John Dies at the End. It’s written in conversation and easy to follow language (I also have adhd, and writing style is the #1 reason I can’t get through some books). I also like Ray Bradbury’s short stories.

    3. Have a bunch of different book options on hand to choose from – put together either a physical pile or get samples of ebooks through Libby that sound interesting whether bc of story, genre, etc. and get started. If you start to lose interest in one, hop on over to the next, rinse, repeat, until you find something that hooks you.

      I find that helps me! 

    4. I recommend it often under a wide variety of categories but The Book Thief is my go to. Like books, it’s the answer, WWII, feeling like an outside, feeling different, feeling ostracized, books that make you cry, it’s the answer. The book is also narrated from a unique point of view.

    5. Anxious-Fun8829 on

      I recommend doing something physical while reading, like twirling a pencil or drumming your fingers.

      For audio, nothing helps me pay attention more than playing a simple mobile game while listening

    6. front_page_hata on

      The Expanse. It’s sci-fi but there is a bit of a horror element. It moves pretty quickly if I remember correctly. 

      Always remember – there is nothing wrong with reading for 5 minutes at a time. It takes longer to finish a book but who cares? Plus,
      the more you read the more reading stamina you build. 

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