September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My husband and I are big Harry Potter nerds and have been reading 1 chapter a night to our toddler at bedtime. We are on chapter 31 of Deathly Hallows, so it's close to time for a new series.

    What should we read with our toddler next?

    We are looking for:
    A series without cussing and spice
    Preferably themes that are somewhat kid friendly
    Can keep the adults entertained
    We are both big fantasy fans and are trying to raise our son to be the same so prefer that genere
    The toddler really likes pictures so that's a plus
    Would like a completed series bc GRRM has hurt us

    by Kindly-Context-8263

    1 Comment

    1. Quirky_Dimension1363 on

      Over the Woodward Wall by A. Deborah Barker is a lot of fun. I’d also recommend Narnia or the wizard of oz books

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