September 2024
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    What are some books that have persisted on your TBR list that you have not yet read. These are books that you consider important for you to read, but perhaps are waiting for the right time. So yeah, suggest me a book that you HAVE NOT read. Also, maybe a sentence on why it is important. Here's mine…

    • Infinite Jest- I just saw an interview with him and was captivated. He was a brilliant mind and you can see the torment and self reproach in his soul. I read a short snippet and love his writing style; It's very wordy and deliberate.
    • Dox Quixote– there are a bazillion translations (I have 7 or 8, all very different and I love comparing them. Considered perhaps one of the first modern novels. Supposed to be very humorous.
    • Lonesome Dove– I know very little about this but cannot stop hearing people rave about this.
    • East of Eden– I have read his short novels. Considered by some to be THE American novel. I'm not even sure if this is for me, but I look forward to reading it.
    • Gravity's Rainbow– this is supposed to be very difficult. Even though it is fiction, there are so many themes that are relevant today, and breaks a lot of writing "rules."
    • War and Peace– I have actually read this. There are SOOO many characters, with so many plots and subplots that all intertwine. It is epic, entertaining, and rewarding. However, if I recall it took me almost 3 months to read. Problem is when referring to earlier events in the book I find myself having to go back and refresh my memory. It's just a matter of WHEN I'm going to read this again.

    by jcoffin1981

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