September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never read any fictional books but I would like to read something similar to the feel of blade runner 2049, so I think something sci-fi futuristic ?

    Thank you for any suggestions!

    by PeaceAroundUs


    1. ScarletSpire on

      Neuromancer by William Gibson

      When Gravity Fails by George Alec Effinger

      Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan

      Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

    2. heyheyitsandre on

      Well, the original blade runner is based off a book. It’s called do androids dream of electric sheep? And its great

    3. sleazy_pancakes on

      I don’t know if these are cyberpunky enough to meet what you’re looking for but 1984 and Brave New World are early classics in the dystopia genre and possibly best place to start your foray into that genre.

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