September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    No romance as the main theme. At the very least, very little sexual content. Any intended age group accepted.

    We’ve all read bad books, but I want something especially egregious.

    I don’t mean something you may not necessarily
    agree with, but a book that violates any sensible
    writing rules. One full of painful cliches, overdramatic scenes, the complete inability to achieve suspension of disbelief, an incoherent plot with glaring holes.

    I want to shake my head in complete disgust lol. Maybe giggle a little.

    *Edited for clarification

    by Electrical-Fly1458


    1. Stack_of_HighSociety on

      Anne Rice’s later books are bad like that. Pretty much anything after The Vampire Lestat. There’s lots of sex, though.

    2. Miss Aldridge Regrets- by Louise Hare. Sorry but it was tough to stay interested and then the ending made me regret having read the stupid thing at all! What a waste of good hours.

    3. Modelland by Tyra Banks is a fever-dream. I was reluctant to believe there was a ghost writer involved, since it so perfectly captures Tyra’s disjointed, flamboyant way of talking. It was intended to the be the start of a Hunger Games like series, about super-powered models in a dystopian model-Hogwarts, but was cancelled after one book.

      I found myself literally unable to process the visuals Tyra describes. The plot is crammed into the final 20% of the book. It’s kinda racist, but in a way that’s so divorced from normal human behavior that you can’t compare it to anything (there’s a warning not to call people with albinism ‘albinos’, but they’re also fascists who speak by hawking loogies). Tyra uses her experiences as a model as the sort of creative foundation for the story, and seems utterly unaware of how messed up some of her apparent experiences have been.

      I own a physical copy so that nobody can ever convince me it didn’t happen.

    4. CheerfulErrand on

      If you want the most hilariously bad story ever written, check out **The Eye of Argon**. There are copies available online, and also a print version with the missing ending from Wildside Press.

      (Do have some sympathy for the terrible/genius author, who was just a teenager when he wrote it, and did not intend to be this hilarious.)

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