September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, I really enjoy fantasy, the world building, the adventure, even a bit of romance, but nowadays, it seems like every fantasy book with a female protagonist is just a romance fantasy in disguise. Example, Fourth Wing, Powerless, and others like it. They are mostly advertised as these great fantasy books with dragons, faeries, adventure, etc, but eventually it just turns into a romance with a fantasy setting, overdone tropes, and immature writing. Now, I’m not one of those sticklers for language or anything, if it’s a good story, it’s a good story, but I just want a fantasy books with a female MC that’s not a romantasy for once. And, can the love interests please be different. Why are they all so tall and borderline abusive? It’s not enemies to lovers if they fall in love within the first quarter of the book or if the love interest is so violent toward the MC.

    by FairestFaerie


    1. Definitely Guns of the Dawn by Adrian Tchaikovsky. There is some romance but it is not the main plot or point of the book. 

    2. DataQueen336 on

      Legends of the First Empire by Michael J Sullivan. 
      It’s more of an ensemble book with multiple POVs, but the main characters are primarily a group of women. Bonus points for no SA. 

    3. -------7654321 on

      not really fantasy more sci fi but octavia butler writes female leads and its original and not stereotypical genre

    4. Haunting-blade on

      Naomi Novik, t kingfisher, trudi canavan, Elizabeth Moon, Rachel Aaron, ilona Andrews, tamora Pierce, are all authors that may be more up your street.

    5. Robbyn-sum-Banks on

      Would the poppy war trilogy count? There’s not a part of it i would actually call romance.

    6. ForsaketheVoid on

      I know it’s a children’s book series but [Circle of Magic]( is so good. it’s about four misfit kids who end up learning magic together. all the relationship drama is happening way in the background with the adults (who are in a complicated polycule). I’m pretty sure none of the main characters end up dating each other, and it has an incredible soft magic system!

      [a woman of the sword]( is about being a soldier and widowed single mother during a civil war! it’s like if catch-22 were set in a fantasy world, and the protagonist had two young sons to keep safe.

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