September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to start getting into fantasy or romance books but I just can’t get myself to start. I do often read memoirs, historical fiction, & sci fi books but that’s about as far as I’ve reached.

    What are some good recommendations for a thriller reader wanting to start a transition into fantasy or romance??

    by SnooSongs4859


    1. Quirky_Dimension1363 on

      Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire is a short fantasy with a mystery aspects. It’s only around 200 pages so it’s an easy book to dip your toes into the fantasy genre. Also you might like 11/22/63 by Stephen king as it has a historical and thriller aspect

    2. Key-Reindeer-3896 on

      The Time of the Ghost by Diana Wynne Jones. It is about a ghost who cannot remember her name but she knows that she is one of four sisters. This is a fantasy/horror book.

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