September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    IDK ya'll. I don't think I'm depressed but lately I've lost all enthusiasm and motivation for just about anything. I'm not at depression-nap stage. I still eat healthy and and exercise. but my interests has been wanning.

    I have a trip coming up, normally I bring a book and maybe a travel craft but lately I'm just like … whats the point? I walk into a book store or I start browsing online its just like, "don't care, don't care, don't care".

    Please help recommend a book or at least help me make a decision:


    Histories – Love the People's Tragedy and enjoyed Killing Thatcher

    Horror/Dystopian – Chuck Palahniuk, Orwell, Huxley

    Literature: Steinbeck, Vonnegut

    Comedy: Douglas, Bryson, Confederacy of Dunces

    I'd be open to fantasy but I hated Hunger Games and while I enjoy GRRM I find his writing style to be incredibly tedious and boring. I am open to Sci-Fi, I enjoyed The Forever War.

    Things that don't interest: I work in pretty traumatic public interest and Ive read a lot of about civil rights, I can't take any gut wrenching, emotional commentary on society. I really enjoyed Caste and The New Jim Crow, but I can't handle that right now.

    I am sorry if this post is insufferable. I am trying to get out of my funk.

    by BrandonBollingers

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