September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Cabbage_Pizza on

      No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. Too much mind fuckery for me in this one – I couldn’t finish it. Dazai was a tormented soul, who suffered persecution, ostracism and oppression for his left-wing political activities and also his romantic relationships outside of marriage. This was his last novel before committing double suicide with his lover.

    2. -UnicornFart on

      Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquez.

      One of the best books I’ve read this year.

    3. The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks. The ending is perfect. But you won’t be happy.

    4. mightilyconfused on

      I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard Bunny by Mona Awad gives many people this feeling.

      One of the top Goodreads comments says : “Hahahahahahhaha, what the fuck” or something to that effect. They also rated it 5 stars.

    5. I’ve seen people describing Kafka On The Shore as a mindfuck so I’m kinda surprised I haven’t seen it being mentioned here (I myself haven’t read it yet)

    6. sparksgirl1223 on

      Bloodline by Jess Lourey

      The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchinson

      The Fifth Doll by Charlie N Holmberg

      Those are my top 3 mindfucks

      The first made me yell WTF JUST HAPPENED

      The second made me wonder why people are the way they are

      The third…well..Charlie weaves a special kinda story

    7. Feisty-Treacle3451 on

      I have no mouth and I must scream is a short story but will leave you thinking “what the fuck” for a while.

      For me it was because of >!how bleak the story was and the fact that there was no hope for the characters!<

    8. Spiralling? Well that has to be *Uzumaki* 🙂

      Though there is some gore/horror, there are spirals, everywhere…

    9. psycosquirrel789 on

      Tender Is The Flesh. It’s about a society where all animals have died out and they start breeding humans like cattle for consumption. If you want to be uncomfortable, read that one.

    10. The Library at Mount Char – Scott Hawkins

      Foe – Iain Reid

      Night Film – Marisha Pessl

    11. sniffleprickles on

      What you are looking for, my friend, is Earthlings by Sakaya Murata.

      You’re welcome

    12. Conscious-Dig-332 on

      If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler

      Also this is not usually my vibe but I just read Wrong Place Wrong Time and it was in the mind-fuck category.

    13. Horror_in_Vacuum on

      Ubik, Philip K. Dick.

      Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick

      Anything by Philip K. Dick, actually.

    14. timelessinari on

      The last house on needless street. But maybe I’m just easily unsettled lol. It’s the most stream of consciousness novel with weird and disturbing POVs I’ve encountered

    15. The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins. It’s my favorite book that I’ve ever read. It’s completely bizarre and dark. I didn’t understand wtf was happening for the first 25% of the book and then it “clicked” and I sat back and enjoyed the craziest ride of my life. I found it when I was searching for a book similar to what you’re describing. I can’t recommend it enough.

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