September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for books where the characters are generally cool people, rather than abusive parents, serial killers, rapists, mysogonists, etc; but that still deals with dark subject matter. Death, sexual assault, the end of the world, whatever. I have a pretty high tolerance for characters typically regarded as annoying but a low tolerance for characters who are actually harmful to people around them. There's definitely a line between being part of the problem and being the whole problem. I understand sometimes characters will do things like be sexist but the book portrays it as okay, but it's not okay. I don't like that. I won't like that character.

    I really prefer genre fiction but I'll read anything. I've read most classics, so probably with the last 20 years is better.

    It's not so important that the characters be relatable, because I'm not looking to relate to them and I find relatable books pretty alienating when the author starts deciding that the real reason a character is sad about their cat dying is because the cat tied them to their romantic partner and not because they loved the cat (Becky Chambers). Nothing wholesome or comforting is required I like angst, I just don't like it to come from what an intolerable idiot/jerk the character in focus is.

    by RiskItForTheBriskit

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