September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I haven't lived joyfully in a long time. I'm now trying to forgive people who hurt me and who hurt people I loved – it releases a burden. But people I'm close to are suffering, and they require things from me. I empathize with why people are fair weather friends – why some of my friends couldn't take it and "broke up" with me. But I can't leave people I love. But it makes me so unhappy and burdened at times.

    Is there a book you can suggest about allowing yourself to live well – even happily – when people you love are suffering?

    (Extra secondary thought – not part of request) I recently read Total Forgiveness by R T Kendall – my uncle sent it to me, and though I admire him, I pushed it off as a religious book. Y'all, it was a really good book and definitely what I needed to hear. I listened to the author read the audiobook, and it was mostly about forgiving others (okay) and not disparaging them to others (okaaaay) and wanting what is best for them (much harder, because there's a part of us that still hangs onto wanting justice). It also talked about forgiving yourself (hardest of all). I remember existing without being blameful or bitter – it changed when something bad happened – and I want that lightness again. Someone shouldn't take away that light. But how to feel joy when others are still suffering?

    by TankArt

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