September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Having spent waaay to much time reading the stories in this post, I found myself loving some of the positive, serendipitous interaction stories (like the Sandra Boyton comment, or Andre Aciman slipping into somebody's blogger comments and needing to convince the blog author it was really him).

    It got me thinking: There's probably a bunch of you who have some nice and/or funny tales about interactions with authors. So let's hear them.

    by jpdoctor


    1. A couple decades ago, when I was working at a Barnes & Noble, we started a Science Fiction and Fantasy book club. Our first meeting had only six people show up, plus our invited guest, Lois McMaster Bujold (author of the Vorkosigan books, among many others). She sat down at the head of our circle of fans, opened up the tote bag she brought with her, and hauled out *two freakin’ Hugo Awards*…which she then passed around the circle for us to fanboy over. Great person, fun to talk to, and she’s local, so she used to show up at our big annual fandom convention to read from whatever book she was currently writing.

    2. PM_BRAIN_WORMS on

      I post on a forum that Seth Dickinson frequents, and he’s honestly just such a chill, pleasant guy, so much so that it incentivizes me to go and read his books.

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