September 2024
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    1. LoquaciousBookworm on

      My fav time travel books are the bonkers *The Chronicles of St. Mary’s* series, starting with *Just One Damned Thing After Another*, by Jodi Taylor. They are really well researched and fast paced and also pretty wild plot wise.

      I love all of the historical fiction that Connie Willis has written. *Doomsday Book* (plague times in Europe, 1300s or so); *Blackout & All Clear* (duology set in London during the Blitz); and *To Say Nothing of the Dog*, which is a cute time-travel to late Victorian era – very chill and funny.

      The *Company* novels, starting with *In The Garden of Iden*, by Kage Baker, are a unique take on time travel.

      Kate Atkinson also has some interesting time travel / time loop books

      The *Merchant Princes* series by Charles Stross is time-travel-esque, parallel worlds but sort of also time travel.

    2. The Saga of the Exiles by Julian May. A one way time gate in France takes people (mostly misfits) back to prehistoric France, which they think will be a paradise.

      The 1632 series by Eric Flint. A small American town is sent back through time and space to 17th century Germany, in the middle of the Thirty Years War. ‘What is this ‘coffee’ you speak of?’

    3. Morning_Joey_6302 on

      {{Night Watch}} by Terry Pratchett.

      Also, {{Thief of Time}} in a non-ordinary sense of the term “time travel.”

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