September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel extremely lost in life. I’m a gay man in my 30s who just recently moved to Spain. I thought that coming here and reconnecting with my ancestral routes might heal me or re-invigorate my joy and excitement for life, but while I do enjoy life here, I’ve found that I feel the exact same as I do any place in the world.

    I feel lost, lonely, uncertain of how best to spend my time, anxious about love & dating, anxious about family and friendships, about my career, about climate change, about politics, about my body, about my intellect, about what to do about the ghastly state of the world, all the wars everywhere, worried about my life and the planet and what to live for and how to make a difference or find meaningful place in the world that feels so on the brink.

    Are there memoirs of people who’ve gone through similar things and who’ve found their way? Or books of any genre really, I’m open to anything that you feel like might be a good fit for this moment in time, thanks in advance for your suggestions!! This thread always recommends the best things!! 📚

    by Fantastic-Rip-3611

    1 Comment

    1. PolkaDot_Pineapple on

      Garth Greenwell wrote an exceptionally lovely book about being gay and lost and confused and far from home (Bulgaria) called What Belongs to You. I’m not sure it’s the happiest book but it was unputdownable for me.

      Ben Lerner writes a lot of contemporary novels about some of the same things that you are concerned about. Leaving Atocha Station is about a lost American in Madrid. I love how he writes and always find his themes compelling.

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