September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been reading and enjoying Korean webcomics (manhwa), especially the romance ones, and I've also been enjoying the stories in Final Fantasy games (FF7 remakes and FF9 being my favorites). I think I just like stories that involve really well written loving interpersonal relationships and how they develop and stuff. Some of my favorite stuff are stories that show the main character overcoming trauma and/or child abuse through the love of their friend(s), (found) family, love interest, etc. I'm most interested in books/novels that depict these attributes of interpersonal relationships, love, and overcoming/healing from one's past.

    I'm also curious what books there are like this that are considered masterpieces, classics, critically acclaimed, or overall just an example of really well done writing. I do not mind book suggestions that aren't these things (like, flawed but enjoyable stories), so feel free to give them to me, I'm only curious about what is considered "good writing" in this genre/sort of story.

    Give me any suggestions like what I described that warmed your heart and made you happy. I'm fine with webcomics and video games and webnovels that share these stories too. And anything from any culture goes too, as long as it has an English version. I especially like manhwa, but that's nbd haha. Thanks for the suggestions!

    by Party-War

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