September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It's hard to describe what I'm looking for. Something that has deep meaning and that treats sexuality as something with deep, even sacred, meaning. Not just stimulation or pornography. Sometimes eroticism can be very "indirect" in my eyes, poetic and metaphorical, a feeling evoked through the magic of words and nature rather than descriptions of something literally happening. Classic lit, global lit, lit by poc and women especially welcome

    by jonevans00

    1 Comment

    1. Lilith’s Brood/Xenogensis trilogy by Octavia Butler — definitely pushes the boundaries of eroticism

      Secret History by Donna Tartt – probably the most obvious on the list because of the overarching themes of beauty, the writing is so immersive though that it becomes a sensory experience

      The sun also rises by Hemingway – ok hear me out the bullfighting passages along with Jake & Brett’s relationships have the most intense but not totally obvious eroticism (bc of his sparseness) I’ve ever read

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