September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ah, so now I finished a novel of pulpy goodness! And this from another author that I've never quite heard of, Eric Lustbader and his novel "Black Blade".

    A series of bizarre and brutal murders begin to occur in New York. While in Washington a plot in the highest levels is conceived to bring the economic juggernaut, that is Japan, to its knees. And in Tokyo there is a power struggle going on within a shadowy group known as the Black Blade Society.

    The chief of a special homicide unit, Wolf Matheson, has begun his investigation of the murders in New York and here chances upon a strange force of unbelievable power. He has an ability, whether blessed or cursed, to track killers, and now he is plunged into a spiral of betrayal, lust and evil.

    This is when he meets the beautiful Japanese woman named Chika who could be his saviour or his eventual death. Now together, either as lovers or enemies, they join up in a search that will possibly release mystical powers, madness and violence.

    This one is certainly a really good, and pulpy (second time I've said it) read. There's a bit of scfi in it, but the supernatural element figures pretty heavily in what is essentially a twisting and turning thriller. There is certainly a lot to unpack here, and it is a really big book, and I do mean a lot! And of course Eric's enormous fascination of Japanese culture (which figures pretty heavily in his other works) and is on full display here.

    This will definitely go down as being one of my favorite pulp novels!

    by i-the-muso-1968

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