September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I took this book because of the very beautiful cover and the rather interesting synopsis. And I was bored for most of the book.

    There are witches and warlocks in the world of this book, where magic ranges from ordinary elemental to mind control. There are demons who are imprisoned in another world under a pact under the terms of which they will get out in a thousand years. And so that they do not come out, it is necessary to extend this pact.

    In principle, the world is well spelled out. But there is one problem here. The book takes place in the modern world, but most of the time you forget about it. You read, and then the text says about Netflix, cars, and you're like this: "Oh yes, this is the modern world."

    In the story, the three sisters sail back to their hometown so that they can convince Ezra, the Grand Master of Magicians, to sign the pact, but he has his own plans.

    That sounds interesting, but the problem here is that this book is the first in a trilogy, and such books have a tendency to stand still. It's exactly the same here. Most of the time, it's either Vianna's (the main character's) love suffering for Ezra, or nothing but the sisters' routine. And this is a large part of the book, which is written in a generally uninteresting way. Only towards the end, when the plot reappears, it becomes interesting, just fascinating.

    I was infuriated by two characters. This is Vianna and Ezra. Two idiots.

    One thinks all the time, but in the opposite direction. Or, when she thinks about Ezra, she either thinks how good he is or how bad he is, which also pisses off.

    I liked Ezra at first, but after one moment, he became disgusting to me. Seriously, it seems to me that this is the first thing that should have been said to Vianna, and not to stretch the rubber. However, all well done, everyone knew, but no one spoke.

    The characters I liked were Caleb and Ema. Quite pleasant personalities, whom I empathized with more than Vianne and Ezra.

    Mael also turned out to be quite a funny character, but who can become serious at the right time.

    I liked the author's writing style. It is light, the descriptions turned out to be beautiful and understandable.

    In total, this is a typical book from the trilogy. Most of them are those in which nothing happens most of the time. I hope that the sequels turned out much better.

    by mystery5009

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