September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I find this so fascinating. Some of my favorite books have very unlikeable characters all around, but they are so compelling and the book overall is enjoyable to read. An example of this would be "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt. The book was so addictive I finished it in less than a week and I can't stop thinking about how good it was. Still, I would be hard-pressed to name any character as a favorite since they are all so awful and insufferable for so much of the book lol

    Other times, the unlikable characters are too much, I practically have to force myself to finish the book. "The Edible Woman" by Margaret Atwood is an example of this; the characters were so awful and I could not care for what happened to them. I only finished it because I am somewhat of a completionist.

    by SuperbSpider

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