September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book was written in 1974 by a Vietnam veteran, winning both the Hugo and the Nebula, and as a veteran of the wars in the Middle East, this book has absolutely stood the tests of time. Mandella's journey from dangerous conscripted trainee to the fields of terrifying battle bring out an absolute visceral emotion for those of us who have shared similar images. Haldeman's ability to write in such emotive narration from Williams point of view (no doubt in respect to his own experiences) about a war he doesnt agree with, but a job that has to be done.

    Even more than this, Haldeman's ability to capture the shell shock of returning home, sometimes to a culture that one doesnt understand, and always to people who could never understand, for me, was far more powerful than his depictions of war with the "Taurans".

    The Sci-fi nature of this book allows one to insert oneself in this mystical and misunderstood world, but create the parallels that everyday combat veterans deal with. And without giving spoilers, Haldeman's explanations of the reasons for fighting, for the war, and for the changes of culture are simply amazing, and i believe only a veteran could have the insight to lay those ideas down.

    The only spoiler i will say, is I love that in the end Marygay awaits William, and Diana is the one who delivers their baby. I only hope that he was named Charlie

    Happy reading – you wont be disappointed.

    by local_savage13

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