September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    How do you folks communicate what you liked or disliked about a book, especially when someone asks for a recommendation?

    I have this problem where I have very strong feelings about most books I read and it makes perfect sense inside my head, but if I need to explain what I dis/liked, just a bunch of vague sentences comes out and I feel like I bore myself, let alone the other person.

    I don’t have this issue when communicating in a professional setting and most people praise my communication skills there, in fact, so it doesn’t seem to be a general issue.

    I’m passionate about reading and would love to learn to share that passion with friends and other readers. I also want to learn how to write better reviews, not so much for the external audience as for myself, to be able to go back and read my thoughts back when they were still fresh.

    by trulyanondeveloper

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