September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Over the years I’ve read countless books but there are a handful that have had a lasting transformative impact. One that stands out the most is Parable of the Sower. I wish it was taught in schools, not only so I could dissect and analyze it, but also to be able to discuss it with more people. Its a book that I feel everyone should read. In my opinion out of all of the books in the dystopian genre it should be put on the same pedestal as 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Handmaids Tale, The Hunger Games, and etc. It’s eerie how much that book parallels our current reality. Octavia Butler is an incredible author whose books had clear intent and messaging. Her voice was powerful and important. I’d love to know what books you feel this way about?

    by Quirky_Dimension1363

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