September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, I am in search of books or stories that are set in a world similar to the one Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is set in. It doesn't need to be like a detective story at all, it's just what came to my mind as a first idea. I just think the vibe of this time, after the industrial revolution and before the first world war, is really interesting, like, it does feel old, but it's still modern enough to be easily comparable to modeen times? Trains exist as public travelling, cars exist in primitive ways (but horses are still important), for instance. And I think I want to explore this more, but I don't know many stories set in this time.

    Obviously English is fine as a language, but also my native language is German so, if you got anything in German it'd be just as glad as well!

    by Alethia_23

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