September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m most of the way done with Brandon Sanderson’s (my favorite author at the moment) entire collection, and I’m not sure what to read next.

    For context, I only recently started reading due to my ADHD not letting me read during my childhood. I recently got Audible and I’ve churned through Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, a few classics like Frankenstein and 1984, and of course Brandon Sanderson’s books (recommended to me by a friend). I’ve also read a little bit of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series and enjoyed it, might finish that next.

    These books are the first books geared towards adults that I’ve really read, and I’m thoroughly enjoying them. I’m looking for suggestions of similar fantasy/fiction series that aren’t smutty. I just don’t find the stuff that people like Sarah J. Maas write to be enjoyable.

    I’m down for a little romance, but Sanderson does it in a way that A) isn’t overtly sexual, and B) is tasteful and adds to the plot, instead of just being dirty for the sake of being dirty.


    by stephendexter99

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