September 2024
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    Charles Dickens is probably my favorite author next to Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. He was very prolific. His work is witty and humorous, he creates very colorful characters, and I like his use of vocabulary.

    I have read Our Mutual Friend, Bleak House, Great Expectations, David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol, and at least one more. Bleak House was probably the most difficult of them all. I have picked up others like The Pickwick Papers and The Old Curiosity Shop. Sometimes is hard to pick up exactly what has transpired, and a passage will require reading multiple times, and I sometimes have to consult a resource like Sparks Notes or read forum posts if there is something that I don't understand.

    Have others found some of his works more difficult than others? Do you find you have to be in a certain mood or frame of mind to read him? If you don't understand something do you just gloss over it or research it elsewhere. It's actually been quite a few years since I have read one of his works, but I find his novels to be most rewarding. I own pretty much all of his most acclaimed novels. Perhaps I will re-read something before picking up one of his unread novels.

    by jcoffin1981

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