September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to be up to date with politics and have become disillusioned in the last three of four years. I’ve stopped caring and avoid talking about political issues because it’s not worth the effort.
    The UK election and the success of Reform, especially in my workplace, has made me want to consider how to go about talking to people about politics.
    I’m no longer up to date with niche political going ons and I don’t really have a solid grasp on various political issues. I understand the basics, I know I can understand better and would have to to talk about politics.

    What books would you recommend for someone wanting to understand current political issues and talking populism? Even actually understanding populism and its appeal too

    On my radar:
    Great Britain? by Torsten Bell
    But what can I do? By Alastair Campbell
    On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder

    by JGazeley

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