July 2024
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    1. There’s 3 series I would recommend checking out.

      **The Wheel of Time** by Robert Jordan
      (14 books)

      Massive, epic, high fantasy. Probably the closest to Tolkien in terms of deep, complex fantasy world building, ancient evil threats, young village heroes setting out into a wider world, and more. No elves or dwarves, but plenty of other high fantasy shenanigans and possibly the deepest/most well defined magic system in fantasy literature.

      **The Prydain Chronicles** by Lloyd Alexander
      (5 books)

      Based on Welsh mythology, this series is a great read for Tolkien fans. It definitely has more of a young adult audience in mind, but it’s got a young hero on a journey to maturity, a magic sword, an evil dark lord, bards, wizards, a sassy princess, and immortal zombie soldiers, grumpy dwarves, and fairy spirits. Also a fortune telling pig.

      **DragonLance Chronicles** by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
      (3 books…with many, many sequels/spinoffs)

      Licensed D&D novel series, but by far the best of them. Quite well written for dime novel fantasy, with memorable characters, great action, and perhaps the most “Tolkienesque” world of the bunch – elves, dwarves, halflings, dragons, wizards…the whole deal. The original series comprised 3 books, but there have been countless others written since then, of varying quality. Start with the original “Chronicles” trilogy and continue if you choose.

    2. I would suggest the Witcher series. The author said he was heavily influenced by tLotR. It has nearly the same species (human, elves, dwarfs), similar monsters (dragons), but a more complex political system (multiple kingdoms).

    3. The Saga of the Exiles by Julian May. Has a ‘Guardians of the Galaxy in Middle Earth’ vibe.

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