September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I understand this may just be a rant. I also realize that almost 40, straight, white males don't face themselves feeling wanting in many categories, so please, you don't have to tell me about my privilege. I am aware.
    I want to find a book club. Even an online one, but it seems that most of them are romantasy or more female oriented. I love my local bookstores, but every event caters to the 'spicy' reader. Even the larger bookstores seem to say, "Oh, you're a guy! Here is some Patterson, or if you like NonFiction, here is some self-help and financial badass books!"
    I love reading. I find books and read and enjoy them, but I don't have a community to connect with on them.
    My favorite book I've read this year is The Five Decembers by James Kestrel. No one I know is interested in it, and most people are turned off by the cover. I'm currently reading Clear by Carys Davies. It's a deep emotional cut that I'd love to talk to someone about, but even the readers and friends I have connected with don't read books like that because it's too emotional.

    Sorry. Just venting. Crucify me or tell me to remove this post. It's all good. It was just therapeutic to get it out.

    EDIT: Well, for me, this blew up. I'll start reading through tonight and replying to some. Thank you everyone that gave good feedback.

    by HTCICatPerson

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