September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I already knew what kind of author she was, but I had never heard of romantic thrillers. And I ended up reading a very bad thriller.

    First, from the cover. The Russian edition is poor, it looks like it was made by a person who sat down for photoshop for the first time.

    The plot here tells about Ellie, who is attacked by a maniac one night, but she miraculously escapes from his hands. But the maniac is not ready to give up, especially since he is somehow connected with sad events from the past.

    It's an interesting synopsis, but after the first chapter, everything slides down. Instead of an interesting mystery thriller, we watch Ellie and Jensen figure out their relationship and why he betrayed her in the past (as Ellie herself puts it). 70% is their relationship, the rest is a thriller. And the culmination is hasty and very ridiculous.

    All the characters except Ellie's friend, Linds, are boring. Ellie is a boring character who doesn't evoke any emotions, I literally have nothing to say about her. Jensen is a boring love interest and belongs to the characters: women writing man. No interesting character, just a very sexy abs that are dripping with sexual sweat and something bad has happened to him in the past. There's not even much to say about the others.

    The antagonist turned out to be bad. His motive is too idiotic, he merges quickly, and the plot twist is absurdly poorly inserted with him. It's like it was invented at the last minute.

    I didn't like the author's writing style. Thriller moments are very good, cause tension and fear, but the rest turned out badly. About 50 times they will describe to us a beautiful abs, how sweat flows down it. It's just incredibly annoying, considering it's a big part of the book.

    There was also a poorly inserted feminist idea, so much so that I laughed. The character just started to lead a monologue in the style of "Atlas Shrugged" about how women should become stronger. It was written too ridiculously.

    This is not a thriller with an element of romance, it is a romance with elements of a thriller. If you want to read exactly this, then you can take it. For the rest, it is not recommended.

    by mystery5009

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